When most investors walk away, we stay.

We back the boldest, most innovative, and ambitious projects that seem unlikely to succeed. Transformative companies are hard to evaluate and rarely popular. But when they succeed, they often create their own sectors centered around invaluable technology and a unique, value-driven culture. In retrospect, the companies with the largest success have always appeared exceptionally ambitious in their early days. Only their founders had a vague idea of how their company could potentially transform or create a (new) sector.

That’s why we don’t just invest in start-ups; we invest in the people behind them.

No entrepreneur can precisely predict how their business model will evolve. The initial model is rarely the best or final one. We aim to back the people with the vision, perseverance, and adaptability to achieve outstanding success, people who believe that evolution is key to success. We are drawn to founders who aspire to leave a positive mark on the world beyond merely achieving financial success.

We commit to the long haul and ideally remain invested indefinitely.

Building transformative companies requires an extremely long time, needing decades rather than years to reveal their true nature. We believe that these companies generate durable returns, making timing much less critical. We have no time constraints since we invest our own money from the balance sheet.

We love what we do because of the meaningful connections we make with people.

That’s why we accompany founders and support them on their journey with everything we have to offer. We are passionate about learning from each other and seek to engage in a mutually enriching dialogue with the people we invest in from day one. As serial entrepreneurs ourselves, we understand how hard and painful such a journey can be. This perspective allows us to better understand and collaborate with founders than most traditional VC firms.

Lastly, we have a positive outlook on the future.

We believe new technologies have the potential to address and solve humanity's most crucial challenges, making our world a better place.